learning | lifedesign | leadership
Who am I?
I am an Impact Coach.
I am a Father. A teacher. A friend.
People are beautiful - and the 'work' they do amazes me.
The unique character and gifts that God has placed in people is breath-taking.
I am privileged to get to walk alongside others, together on the journey of change and growth and seeing dreams come true.
My Call is to bring out the best in others. To maximise the human experience.
To help you shine in a way that only you can.
My Mission, is to co-create 10,000 success stories.
10,000 lives transformed from 'ordinary' to inspiring.
10,000 people living abundant lives and sharing their gifts with others.
Which is why I train everyday leaders.
Youth. Parents. Educators and Entrepreneurs - the epicentres of life-shaping impact. Individuals primed with hope. Passionate, inspired and ready to make a positive difference in the world.
I do this through - learning, life design and leadership coaching models.
My team and impact partners have developed a suite of education, coaching, ministry and media solutions to help people thrive - in business & finance, family & relationships, in health and wellbeing, and in faith and service to others.
Our core values include:
And undergirding it all is a faith-inspired sense of purpose!
Wrapped safely in the arms of my loving father in heaven, perpetually redeemed from fear of failure, loneliness and lack by the life of Jesus. I lead an empowered and abundant life, led daily from strength the strength by the Spirit.
These are some of the words that fuel this confidence of purpose...
"The thief comes to kill, steal and destroy, but I have come that you may have life - and have it in all its abundance! (Jn 10:10)
A little sidenote:
The 'MX' in all my coaching program titles stands for 'maximise' - as in 'life to the full' or 'abundance' which comes from this verse AND it also is a reference to the numbers: MX is 1010 in roman numerals - pretty cool right? Also, 'M' (=1000) times 'X' (=10) is 10,000 - which is my mission - the number of success stories I'm called to co-create! 🤯
"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world - but instead, be transformed by the renewing of your mind! THEN you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will" (your Calling) (Rom 12:2)
It is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful. I don't really care if I am judged by you or by anyone else for that matter. I don’t even judge myself. Now is not the time for judgement. One day, when we stand before the Lord, he will bring to light the secrets and inner motives of our hearts. At that time each person will receive his praise from God. (1 Cor 4:2-5)
If you'd like to read more about my story or have a chat about any of this,
just use the links below to explore or book a call!