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andrew lord

learning | lifedesign | leadership




I know what you're thinking.

Leader?  That's a heavy word!

Um... maybe I made a mistake coming here...


But let me ask you,

Are you a parent, longing for a shift in the atmosphere of your home?

Then you are a leader.


Are you an educator? An inspired individual with a message to share?

Then you are a leader.


Are you a would-be social entrepreneur? An impact-driven creative with a burning desire to see positive change in your world?

Then you are a leader.


Or are you just reimagining your own life? Feeling lost and unsure and looking for answers?

Then you are a leader.


And yes, of course,

if you hold a leadership role, in a business, an organisation or school, 

that too, is leadership - but it's important to remember, that leadership is not about holding a position. Being a leader is about standing in the gap between what is, and what could be; feeling that tension, and then in some small, but significant way, making change happen.


Do you have a longing inside for that change?

Are you ready to think bigger, dream bravely, and then,

take steps to reach those goals?


Yes? Then I think I can help you.

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An out of the box educator, mindset trainer and personal development coach, Andrew has been helping to unlock potential and transform lives for more than 20 years.


On the quest for his 'Maximised Life', he has faced setbacks, struggles and heartbreak, but he is living proof that challenging the status-quo and persistently chasing your dreams can yield exciting results.


A loving father of 5 amazing children, passionate lifelong learner and grateful friend of Jesus, he is faithfully carrying out his mission - to co-create 10,000 success stories.


Perhaps YOU will be his next one?

Andrew Lord is



Traditional school is broken.

But what if there was another way to give your child the dynamic skills they will need to thrive in the future?

Break through



Relationship? Family? Business? Social enterprise? Faith?

 Where do you want to see change? Let me help you take the steps to get there.




The MX Life Academy is a free online members space with access to powerful tools, training and other life-shaping resources.

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My guess is, that if you've got this far, then you're looking for answers.

You're looking for clarity of purpose, and the unshakeable confidence that comes from a smart, well-designed strategy that will unlock your God-given potential.


Am I right?



The MX04 foundations course is a 4-day intensive to help impact-inspired individuals just like you to break through their next level of growth in business, family life, social impact, faith walk - or all of the above!


It is free to join as many times as you like and this will not only connect you with me,

but also with other inspired individuals on the quest for their Maximised Life.

4 day foundations

learning  |  lifedesign  |  leadership


NSW, Australia


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